
Open Air
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By Duffel | Updated 10 months ago | Retailing
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The Duffel API is a powerful tool into the world of Travel selling. With the Duffel API you can manage, search and book fligths and accomodation, powered by multiple sources.

It provides you access to over 300 airlines and millions of accomodations. And the great thing is, you can get started immediately.

Learn how to use Duffel to get the power of a full-stack travel agency at your fingertips.

You can find details about the Duffel API in our reference Docs here. These docs contain comprehensive details about to integrate with the Duffel API.

We offer client libraries in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C#, Java.

Before you can get started, you’ll need to sign up for a Duffel account (it takes about 1 minute!), you can do that here: https://app.duffel.com/